How many years now have you been behind the wheel?

Whether only a few or many, you want your skills and responsibilities to always be a top priority in your life.

With that being the case, might it be time for a refresher course? It never hurts to brush up on your driving skills. In doing so, you will be the better driver for it.

So, where do you start if you decide to drive down this road?

Your Driving Skills Could Save Your Life

In refreshing your skills, a good place to start is stopping by your local DMV office for a driving handbook.

That handbook can help you keep up to speed on your state’s driving laws. You might feel surprise in how many drivers do not know many rules and regulations they should abide by.

You can also go online to get such information, making it easier for you if you do not have a nearby DMV office.

Either way, knowing the latest in roadway laws is a good starting point.

From there, take a look at some of the following bad habits you might be displaying behind the wheel. They include:

  • Preoccupation – Do you become preoccupied when you get out on the road? If the answer is yes, you could put yourself and others in harm’s way. Always have your focus on the road and what you are doing behind the wheel. To do otherwise is setting you up for a potential accident.
  • Non-maintained vehicle – If you let your vehicle go, there is a good chance it will let you down at some point. An example of this is not checking your tires on a regular basis. A tire low in pressure can lead to an accident. Another example would be driving around with noisy brakes. Often, brakes tend to make noise when they need attention. If your brakes do not work in the proper manner when you go to apply them, you could end up rear-ending someone etc.
  • Driving drowsy – Thinking that cup of coffee or boost of soda is going to prevent you from drowsy driving? While it may work in some instances, it might very well not in others. Do your best not to be behind the wheel if you are feeling tired or ill.
  • Having one too many drinks – Having a buzz while you drive is one of the worst things you could ever think of doing. Sure, you thought you could handle that extra drink, but you are now learning otherwise. Avoid getting behind the wheel when you’ve had too much to drink. Turning the keys over to a family member or friend or getting a taxi ride will prove much better options.

Learning from an Accident

If you do get into an accident, be sure to learn from the experience.

In some cases, those accidents were inevitable for whatever reason. Other times, it was the failure of the driver to avoid the collision because they did not follow the rules.

Don’t feel embarrassment if the time has come for a little driver refresher course.

Remember, it could very well save your life and the lives of others down the road.